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About The Chamber

Welcome to the Hawarden Chamber of Commerce! With over 92 businesses and individual members, our focus making Hawarden a better place to live, work, worship, and play in the growth of business and employment opportunities through vision and leadership.

Chamber Board:

President: Michelle Klocke

Vice President: Tara Ramos

Retail Community Events Chair: Karri Bushby

Organization Chair: Mackenzie Feldhacker

Development Committee Chair: Lance Stueck

Chamber Director: 

City Administrator: Wanda Woodley

Mayor: Ric Porter

Chamber Committees:

Retail Community Events: Conducting year wide events/promotions from the Labor Day Celebration through the Holiday promotions is the main focus of this committee.

Organization Membership Committee:

Maintaining the organizational structure, this committee is responsible for Elections, Annual Banquet, and Chamber Social events.


This committee’s emphasis is to assist businesses with physical, financial, and guidance resources to locate, expand, or development in Hawarden. It is made up of individuals elected by the membership during the Annual Meeting.

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